
The ones that you love the most are usually the ones that hurt you the most.
To the world you are one person, but to one person you are the world.

~~kau V.I.P dihatiku~~

hari k.A.m..i~

 di burger king...(*_^)..

~for once in my life~

Juz bcoz im quiet doesn’t mean I dun have anything to say..
I judge people too easily from my first impression..
im unpredictable n spontaneous n I try to be forgiving..
I’d rather look immature n have fun then care what other people think of me..
Sometimes I’m really confident n other times I feel really insecure..
I envy people who can fit in so easily without even trying..
I’m opinionated && stubborn..
but I’m loyal, sincere && caring..
I always try to see the best in you even if you annoy me..
I’ll be always here to listen to your problems && I’ll stick up for you no matter what happens..

::..For once in my life..::
::..I don’t have to try to be happy with you..::
::..It just happens..(*_^)..::
~~Lurve 1217~~