♥ sometimes l.o.v.e cannot be shown through actions ♥ we can feel it through writing ♥ enjoy reading my writing ♥ then you'll feel my l.o.v.e ♥
it hurt to love someone and not to be love in return,,
but what is more painful is,,
to love someone and,,
we never find the courage to let,,
the person know how we feel,,(+_+),,
you know what,,
the sad things in life is,,
when you meet someone who means a lot to you,,
and only find out in the end that it was,,
never meant to be and you just have to let it go....
now i had realized that i cant do anythings more,,
and now seems like i am give up...
giving up does'nt always mean i am weak,,
but sometimes it means that i am strong enough to let you go....
i cant make ou love me, want me, or understand me,,
all i can do is hope that someday you will..(+_+),,
"..maybe i have to go for the ones who can make me smile to hide all the tears,,
and because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright.."
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