perasaan ini~

setiap hari aku merasakan benda yg same..(+_+),,
kadang2 rase mcm diri aku ni tah pape tah..
sebabnye aku terlalu mengharapkan benda yg x akan berlaku walau sekalipun..
bodoh sgt aku nihh kan..yang teramat..~
setiap kali aku cube utk wat xtahu akan perkara sebenar..
setiap kali itulah,,ia makin bermain dalam kepala otak aku nie..
menci betul lah!
nak aku luahkan,,rase macam da xguna lagi..
"coz seems like i've already told it so many times."
 yg pastinya aku xpernah suke akan itu..
dan itu perasaan aku..

even aku ade perasaan itu..
kau xperlu risaukan aku..
kerna aku masih mampu bertahan selagi kau perlukan aku..



I miss you when something really good happens, 
because you are the one I want to share it with..
I miss you when something is troubling me, 
because you are the one who understands me so well..
I miss you when I laugh and cry,,
because i know that you are the one that makes my laughter grow..
and my tears disappear..
I miss you all the time,,
but I miss you most when i lay awake at night..
and think of all the wonderful times we spent with each other...

for those were some of the best times of my life .



Honestly, I dont even know what really happened..
When i think about it,, 
all i remember is that i tried and i tried really hard..
But u didnt seem happy anymore no matter how hard i tried..
So i called it quits..
All i have ever wanted is ur mesmerizing smile lighting up my life..
And i was just not able to feel that..
Sorry, if ever i have hurt you..
But the only thing that i wish for now is ur happiness..
If ever you realize that ur happiness is with me then ur always w.e.l.c.o.m.e..
I am and i will always be here for u..
But even if u happen to find it somewhere else,,
rest assured I'll be the happiest for u..
Love you..

~~rozyridwan 251010~~

~for y.o.u~

There are so many things I wish I could tell you,, but I can't..
I'm not sure if you would ever understand because,,
I don't understand half of it..
I want to be with you so bad,,
but I'm so afraid of getting hurt and because of that,, 
I end up getting hurt more.. 
I can sit here and say that I don't care about you..
and that I'm not going to let you hurt me,,
and just by saying that I know that you can and have..
It’s not your fault, it never is. Its me.. 


let you go~

it hurt to love someone and not to be love in return,,
but what is more painful is,,
to love someone and,,
we never find the courage to let,,
the person know how we feel,,(+_+),,
you know what,,
the sad things in life is,,
when you meet someone who means a lot to you,,
and only find out in the end that it was,,
never meant to be and you just have to let it go....
now i had realized that i cant do anythings more,,
and now seems like i am give up...
giving up does'nt always mean i am weak,,
but sometimes it means that i am strong enough to let you go....
i cant make ou love me, want me, or understand me,,
all i can do is hope that someday you will..(+_+),,

"..maybe i have to go for the ones who can make me smile to hide all the tears,,
and because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright.."

aku ingin lari~

Why are you so sad..
And why is it so sad..
When some one leaves you behind..

Won't you ever know..
Don't you realize.. 
It's just a part of life..  
When you love.. 
With some one some time.. 
It's smile with a broken heart..

Untuk apa aku disini lagi..
aku ingin lari..
kerna hati aku ingin lari..
apa nak difikirkan lagi..
kata hati kau lari..lari..
Namun dari sudut kecil..
hati aku berbicara..
jangan kau lari..
kerna makin jauh kau lari hanya penat kau dapat..
usah kau lari..

jadi,aku harus bangun dan bukan untuk lari jauh..
tapi untuk lari mendapatkan..
agar hidup aku lebih bererti..



Seringkali hati kecilku ini mengadu sakit,,
Dan seringkali juga jiwa ini meratap hiba dan sepi..(T_T),
Dengan semua dugaan dan ujian yang datang bertimpa-timpa ke atas diri ini, 
Kadangkala,, ia telahpun menewaskan semangatku yang telah sedia ada..
Kadang-kadang,, aku berasa seperti keseorangan,
Dan terasa betapa diri ini dipinggirkan..
Ketika ini,, aku menyangka sudah tidak ada apa lagi yang bernilai dalam kehidupan,,
Dan yang aku lihat hanyalah jalan suram di hadapan..
Namun begitu,,sehingga ke saat ini aku masih lagi mencuba untuk bertahan,,
Walaupun aku rasa aku sudah tidak mampu untuk menempuhinya seorang diri..
Jika dengan cara ini dapat membahagiakan dia,, aku rela..

Ya Allah,, kau berikanlah kekuatan kepada diriku utk meneruskan kehidupan ini,,
Dan kau kuatkanlah semangatku agar aku dapat mengharungi hari2 kelak..
Aku redha dengan semua ketentuan ALLAH untukku..