i dunno where to start my writing. its really hurt me..if u only knew :(
tak sangka benda macam ni akan berlaku secepat ini..
and u know what, i really2 luv to be with u.no doubt dear..
tapi sy tahu dengan kata2 saja takkan dapat meyakinkan apa2 pun..
sebab orang lain mungkin lebih penting buat kamu.
walau sy menangis air mata darah sekalipun :'(
u..please dont do this to me. please...
i never ask u to do other than what i just told u before.cuma, ini saja.. :'(
but if u think that i am not too good for u anymore, do tell me all this matter..
i cant just see u there like nothing happen between us..
how can u see the one that u really luv most in front of u..
but it was not yours anymore..
seriously i can face it but if i really have to do all this things..
don't worry,i will go away..
how can u see the one that u really luv most in front of u..
but it was not yours anymore..
seriously i can face it but if i really have to do all this things..
don't worry,i will go away..
it will make me hurt more and more if i still here :'(
".just bear in your mind my dear. i would be friend with anyone who sincere to be friend with me. but please dun ever be my enemy. because i dun want u to be mine as well. i'm really appreciate if u could understand this small request."
i dun giving up for the one i luv the most..:'(
i just want u to know..that i will always luv u.sentiasa sayang kamu.always.
(+_+). _RR