
♥ sometimes l.o.v.e cannot be shown through actions ♥ we can feel it through writing ♥ enjoy reading my writing ♥ then you'll feel my l.o.v.e ♥
::..Yang kamu hanyalah satu..::
::..Dan tak pernah lelah ku menunggumu..::
::..Hingga aku punya kamu..::
::..Aku milikmu..::
::..Takkan pernah lelah ku menunggu..::
::..Hingga punya kamu..::
Maaf, ku telah menyakitimu
hari nihh sy bgn awal..
mcm xpercaya sajee..
itu pun sbb kena ikOt akak sy yg sorg ni ke ofis..
bak kate die,
kalo sy duduk rumah sy xdapat nk on tenet..
tu yg mmbuatkn sy rajin nk bangun ikot die tuh..
tp,,laen lak yg jd.....
skali,sy tetap xdpt nk on9 jugak...=(
sbb,kt tmpat tuh plug sume xbley gune..
tah pape tah kn...
busannye sy.....~~
tp at last leyh jugak on tenet setelah puas mncari plug..
but im still alone here..
xsbr mau jumpe time lunch...
cepat2 lah kua lunch ye akak..=)
~17 feb 2010~
hari nihh,,
::badan sy terase sakit2::
::kaki sy pun same jugee..::
^.mcm manela nk hilangkn sakit2 nie...^
^.sy mau nangesss...(T_T)..^
^.sy sudah tidak tahan lagi...^
im nOt perfect..
i'll annoy you..piss you off..
say stupid stuff and take it back..
but put all that aside and im sure you'll see..
you will never find someone..
that cares and loves u more than me... sOrry.++
hurm..diz week rase cam penat sgt2+macam nak mati pun ader..hihihi..=)
mane tak nye,,org sume balik bercuti tapi sy..??
terpakse laa kene pegi trening...
nasib badan.(T_T)....
da la pagi petang trening..
dengan panas terik nye..
huhh,,da macam kene panggang da kt court tuh..ha3,,
tp yg paling BEST skali,,
"ok,,kali nih punye trening,sy nk tekankan fitness..drill da xpayah,everyone need to be ready for da session.."
ini lah kata2 yg keluar dari mulut coach...
arrghhh!!habislaa kali nihh.....=(
mgkin ade sebab kot my coach wat cmtu..
nak xnk terpakse laa teruskn jugak..
tp,xsbr nk tgu esOk..
sbb,esOk da abez trening...=)
bOley enjOy~!!!
~i've learned a lot.~
i've learnt to juz accept the things that are given to me in life & not question things too much.
i've learned that you have to make mistakes in order to learn from them.
i've learned that you cant depend on anyone else but yourself,
so in the end you really have is yourself.~
its not up to me anymore.
if you want me in your life,~
you'll find a way to put me there.
if not,juz throw me n leave me alone....
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